Pick it & Stick it!

Pick it & Stick it!

[Nail Your Offer Nugget] Pick it & Stick it!

When it comes to getting known and being booked solid, there’s one thing you can do that carries more weight than any new-fangled strategy out there.

Pick a horse and ride it!

What I mean by that is, decide what you want to be “known for” and then stick with it.

This is the key to becoming the go-to expert or service provider in your space vs remaining a best-kept secret.

And if you like to speak or be interviewed, this is what will keep you booked solid! It’s worked for me and thousands of my clients over the last 15 years.

And it will work for you too! Here’s a few more ideas on exactly how…

Make sure to catch the last minute on how I’m stretching myself these days and why I continue to do that. It matters!

P.S. Sending a huge shout out to the band Atomic Groove, my teacher Carrie Weiland and our MB Fit studio for giving us all great places to dance and play in San Diego!


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