[Nail Your Offer Nugget] FlyGirl tips on CREDIBILITY

FlyGirl tips on CREDIBILITY

[Nail Your Offer Nugget] FlyGirl tips on CREDIBILITY

Coming at you today with my fellow FlyGirl, Vernice Armour, at the end of an awesome VIP Day where we took her “50K Keynote Formula” to the next level.

We were comparing notes on how we share our CREDIBILITY from the stage, without sounding braggadocious (is that a word?)

Here’s how we both combine our CREDIBILITY and VULNERABILITY into our talks.

It’s an art.

It matters.

It’s what has people connect with you and it builds trust.

Here’s our FlyGirl Tips….

I love how Vernice models it in the last 90 seconds.

And make sure to pick up my hot tip at the very end about how your host can help you too!

P.S. If you’ve got an upcoming opportunity to speak from stage, be interviewed on a podcast or run your own webinar or masterclass, make sure you’re plugging your great work into my Speak-to-Sell Formula so that you can be confident and ready to make your Irresistible Offer without being pushy or salesy.

Here’s the link to check it out

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