The High Cost of Low Prices

The High Cost of Low Prices

[Nail Your Offer Nugget] The High Cost of Low Prices

Greetings from Switzerland!

Just finished the most amazing 7-hour e-mountain bike ride and wow! I have never seen so much natural beauty in one place in my life. From snow capped mountains to the most lush green covered terrain. Spring flowers and a symphony of cowbells as they graze their way up the mountains – happy cows indeed!

And speaking of happy, we are LOVING these badass e-bikes we rented for the day. They’re 10X stronger and smoother than the ones we have at home, and because we live in the hills of La Jolla, sometimes we limit ourselves from riding on a beautiful day because we’ve had a few experiences where our “low cost” e-bikes didn’t make it all the way up the hill!

And that brings me to today’s video, The High Cost of Low Prices.

I realize that using e-bikes as an analogy is a little wonky because they are already a pretty fancy purchase. But I think the cost analogy of not using them because we fear they won’t get us there holds.

Where this really hits home is when I think about the things, it’s sometimes tempting to skimp on, like professional health or legal services or coaching and mentorship. And the cost of having something negative persist or not get solved or healed.

Here’s a little recap of our conversation as we stopped to enjoy the breath-taking views and basked in the glory of all we were able to enjoy in one day on these upgraded bikes.

Hope you enjoyed the message and the views!


P.S. I think the most important questions to ask yourself from this are….

1. Where are you “saving” that’s really costing you in the big picture?

2. Are the fees you’re charging commiserate with the “cost” savings you bring when you help people? Make sure to look at all the costs you help people avoid, not just financial.

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