Make a Decision!

You may know that I’m passionate about decisive action, but do you know why it’s so powerful to make an on-the-spot decision and to help others to do so as well?

Whenever we make a decision our life opens up and moves forward. We get behind that new energy and great things begin to happen.

This is true whether the decision is yes or no.

Indecision and inaction clog up our world. They fill up our inboxes, gather piles on our desk.

We trudge through life like it’s thick mud.

When we don’t move forward in the areas we know we want to transform, we’re in limbo, our life and business begin to stagnate.

And it’s so unnecessary.

You know, you feel in your gut or heart whether something will move your life forward, so decide one way or the other.

I’m going to give you a challenge: The next time you’re faced with a decision make it on-the-spot. As soon as you know yes or no, that’s it, you’re done.

Give yourself the powerful gift of being freed by your NO or your life opening up behind your YES.

Make your decision and then tell me here what happens.