How to Say Your Price Without Choking

People always ask me, “Lisa, how do I get the price out of my mouth? It’s sometimes hard for me to believe I’m worth that much money.”

Well, I have two things to say to you that can make all the difference.

1. First, don’t think of the cost of your product or service as a price. It’s an investment. And it’s not even an investment in you. You’re inviting them to make an investment in themselves.

Thinking of it that way keeps the focus on your prospective clients, where it belongs, and away from any self-doubt.

2. Secondly, they’re not buying a five-part teleseries. They’re not buying your ebook. They’re not even buying a VIP day with you. They’re buying an outcome, a transformation that they are hungering for.

It’s the transformation that would help close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. You’re offering to be the vehicle for what they most want in life.

So let me ask you a question: What would you pay for the solution to your biggest problem?

A lot, I imagine.

Wouldn’t they?

So the next time you state the investment of working with you, keep all of this in mind, and I predict you’ll have no trouble at all.

In fact, I bet you say the investment with pride!

4 thoughts on “How to Say Your Price Without Choking

  1. I love this! Never thought of it that way before, and as I
    have just spent the morning putting together make up and skin care pricing packages,
    it certainly helped me reframe. My customers are certainly
    investing in looking good and feeling confident.

  2. Thanks for a great article. I love what I do so much I would do it for free if I could afford to. This point of view will remind me to not under value myself!

  3. Thank you for this post. I love transformation coaching so much I would do it just for the joy of it! This point of view will help me remember not to undervalue my services.

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