How to Stand Behind Your Price

pricingMany people tell me that they have a hard time saying the price of their product or service. The words seem to stick in their throat.

The first key to being able to stand behind the level of investment is to remember just that — it’s not a cost or a price, it’s an investment.

And it’s not even an investment in you. You’re inviting them to invest in themselves through you or through participating in the series.

Secondly, they’re not buying a five-part teleseries or a CD or even a VIP day with you. They’re buying an outcome, a transformation that they are looking for—an outcome that would help close the gap between where they are and where they want to be.

You are offering them something that they have been hungering for.

What a service that is! What a gift.

I mean, what would you pay for the solution to your problems? A lot, right?

So there’s no reason at all for you to be timid when letting your prospects know the level of investment.

In fact, I think you should be proud.

I’ll show you exactly how to do this and much more in October at The Impact and Influence Intensive.