How to Charge Big Bucks for Your Work

big-bucksI told you before that if you want to master high-ticket selling, the first thing you need to do is distinguish your system. By that I mean the system you’ve developed for getting results for your clients over and over again.

We call that your Unique Branded System.

Part of distinguishing your UBS — and this is going to sound simple so don’t dismiss it — is naming it.

That’s the thing that really has the potential to pop your system through the roof and enable you to charge big bucks for your work.

When you name your system, all of a sudden that thing you do, which might sound common to somebody who doesn’t totally get it, becomes unique. It becomes branded. And that equals special.

And people will invest in things that sound special.

So to make sure that what you’re doing is known for how unique it really is, give it a name.

To learn my entire high-ticket selling system, come to The Impact and Influence Intensive in Long Beach, Oct 17-19.