Grow Your Business By Attending Live Events

getting the awardI’ve shared with you the value of hosting live events, but you can also find gold by simply attending live events.

Think of it, you’re in a room with like-minded people, all learning from experts you respect.

In that room are prospective clients, potential JV partners, new and old friends and colleagues.

Plus, you may be in a beautiful setting with time to think about your business from a broader perspective.

What’s not to love about attending live events!

In addition, there are many ways attending events can help you grow your business. Here are just a few:

1. You can get booked as a guest to other people’s lists.
Networking at live events is a great way to find partners who will promote your offerings to their list. You get the exposure, and the other person expands what they’re able to offer their list. It’s a win-win.

2. You can schedule one-on-one strategy sessions with people you may be able to help.
What better way to find your ideal clients than at a gathering of other heart-centered entrepreneurs? In fact, I know people who enroll most of their clients from people they connect with at live events.

These successful entrepreneurs are not salesy — they’re not focused on “getting” clients.

They’re focused on being of service. They’re asking questions. They’re curious, caring and unattached to whether the person eventually becomes their client. That’s attractive energy. And that’s setting the stage for the potential client to pursue them.

3. You can be a student of the material being taught and what’s happening around you.
Many people go to events to be inspired by cutting-edge material or to find that missing link that’s going to catapult their business to the next level. On top of that, you get to be at the forefront of what’s going on in your industry. In other words, it’s the content and the context that you benefit from when you suit up and get out there live.

Bonus Tip: Be Open to Magic.
You never know what might happen when you make the effort to show up live and put your best foot forward!

Amazing things happen at events. Your ideal client sits down next to you at lunch or stands behind you in line or draws you from across the room.

You find the people that you need as well — the expert who can free you from some task or who introduces you to someone you need to meet or gives you a well-timed tip.

And all you have to do is be willing to invest in yourself a little, open up to opportunity, take inspired action…and let it all unfold!

What magic has happened for you at live events? Let us know below!

2 thoughts on “Grow Your Business By Attending Live Events

  1. Lisa,
    You are absolutely spot-on with this tip. I attended a live event this past May in Hollywood,
    (and met you, as a matter of fact!). At the event I connected to a person who has helped
    transform my coaching and speaking business, and has actually partnered with me to take
    it to a higher altitude. It is hard to believe this amazing relationship would have been
    possible by sitting in front of my laptop; I had to BE at the live event in order for this
    game-changing experience to happen. So happy I went!

  2. You are so right on. I was in the registration line at an event behind a woman whose emails I get. After several conversations over 3 days about what I needed she is now my coach.If I hadn’t met her we would not have this relationship.

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