Ask Lisa: When presenting my offer can I have more than one package option, like an upsell?

If you’re going to offer more than one package, here’s the key. Go vertical and not horizontal. What do I mean by that?

Horizontal is the mistake people make when they try to offer unrelated items. For example, they do a whole Signature Talk building the hunger and need to get your branding down, and then they offer a second package around systemizing your business systems because that’s their expertise too! This happens a lot with entrepreneurs because many of us are Jacks of all trades, masters of much!

They key to presenting more than one package successfully is to go vertical, as in straight up and down. In other words, your first package might include your branding self-study course, and your bigger package includes all of the above PLUS 3 private coaching calls with you.

This makes it very clear that package A is the do it yourself home study version and package B is the one for people who want more hand holding. Now it’s just a matter of how much intimacy and access they want and how much they are willing to invest to get it. This is clear. And clarity is the key when offering more than one package!