Ask Lisa: How do you find the “right” speaking engagements for your product?

Christy Asks: Hi Lisa, responding to your tweet feed where we could post a question to you. How do you find the “right” speaking engagements for your product? Not every one is really a good fit.

I’ll tell you that this can take a little bit of trail and error, and my advice is to get into motion with testing it out in different markets and keep track of how it does. For instance for me, I am well received within the “personal development” segment, but what I noticed by keeping track of sales, is that I didn’t sell very well there. It took some more test-driving to find my sweet spot with entrepreneurs. And you can only discover this if you are in motion, since you can’t course correct when you are standing still. Be on the look out for places that your product really solves a problem, and be able to clearly communicate with short sound bites the value of your product.