Where Are You Aiming Your Business Gaze?

During a recent ski trip with my daughter, Sierra, we were talking about why some people crash into trees, and other people seem to go down the hill just fine.

After we talked about this, I realized it was lesson for us all, so I wanted to share it here with you in this one-minute video:

As I say in the video, if you’re staring at the tree, you’re going to crash into the tree.

But if you stare at the open spaces, you’re going to go toward those open spaces.

That makes sense, doesn’t it? Our bodies naturally follow our gaze.

Well, it’s the same with our business gaze.

If we focus where we don’t want to go, we’ll end up there.

But even in a crowded business market, if we look for the unoccupied space, if we aim toward a unique niche, and claim it, then that’s exactly where we’re going to go.

And, just like in skiing, we’ll have a lovely time.