Consider the Frequency of the Platform

There are tons of strategies about how best to utilize Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and all of the other social media tools we have at our disposal.

And while we do need to master their technical aspects, it’s also important to pay attention to something else that, in the video below, I call “frequency.”

Are you on the right frequency?

While we need to master technical aspects of online marketing, it's also important to pay attention to something else that, in the video below, I call "frequency."

Posted by Lisa Sasevich on Saturday, April 23, 2016

Have you also found it to be the case that the post you wrote for Facebook just doesn’t work at all on Twitter?

As I say in the video, that’s because each medium has a different culture and, thus, a different frequency or vibration.

So you’ve got to really take the time to understand the frequency that’s running through the media you’re using, so that you can connect with its audience.

For instance, you can’t just post the same thing everywhere.

I learned something similar when speaking on live stages.

Yes, I do the same Speak-to-Sell Talk but I always try to make a connection with each audience. I assess the frequency that’s running through the room: what’s going on in the room and where they’re coming from.

And when I get up on stage, I make sure that I’m tapped into that frequency, I’m feeling into it, I’m actually in it, and I’m speaking to it.

It’s a valuable skill, which I’ve developed over time. And now I see that I’ve got to transfer that skill from the live stage onto the different platforms where I like to get out there and share.

And since I love sharing with you what I learn as soon as I learn it, I wanted to give you this message here (and in the video) so that you could be thinking about this for yourself as well.

I’ll see you online, and, I hope, at one of our live events this year as well.