Encourage Your Clients to Pay in Full

When pricing your high-end mastermind, mentorship or coaching program, I highly recommend that you offer both a paid-in-full price and a payment-plan price — and then give your clients a strong incentive to pay in full.

For example, students who pay in full for our SASSY Mastermind program save thousands of dollars and also receive thousands of dollars worth of bonus training.

Why would we encourage clients to pay in full when we could make much more money if they didn’t?

Here are 2 reasons:

1. Clients tend to get more out of the program.

When people pay in full, a magical thing happens. They put the investment behind them and get to work. They consume the buffet of all the tools and support we offer and then experience amazing results.

People on payment plans are sometimes timid about consuming everything you have to give. Also, it’s human nature, they tend to go through the mental pain of reselling themselves on the program every time they write you a check. It takes up a lot of energy and mental capacity they could be devoting to their business.

2. You don’t spend a ton of business time on complicated client-service issues if they can’t pay.

You are their mentor, not their financier. Your relationship is about blessing them with your expertise, and their consuming that from and with you.

I didn’t have the money for my first high-end mastermind, but I paid in full by financing it through a bank. I have always been glad I did. When I had tough months along the way I never wasted precious time working it out with my mentor.

So whether it’s you or your clients, paying in full serves everyone at the highest level.

One thought on “Encourage Your Clients to Pay in Full

  1. Bravo! This is a great post. Many times as heart based Coaches we feel the need to comfort the client with a payment plan without also remembering it’s business. Actually most would probably prefer to pay in full but see the ease of making payments that they opt for the payment plan. However, with an incentive as you stated they will pay in full. Thanks for all you do to help us “make money with our thing!” An empowering post indeed.

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