Build It and They Will Come

No, I’m not talking about building a Web site.

I’m saying build your confidence by being ready to step on the stage tomorrow, and promoters, clients, and students will come.

When I did my very first main stage gig, I wasn’t one of the scheduled speakers. I was doing a break-out session.

But I was confident and ready with my Signature Talk and Irresistible Offer, so I said to the promoter, “If somebody doesn’t show up on the main stage over the next three days, I’m ready to step in.”

And guess what? The second day after dinner, the speaker couldn’t make it up the hill because of the weather, so they gave me his slot.

I did $10,000 of sales from the stage that night!

It was the first time I made that much money in a whole month, let alone in 90 minutes! As you may know, that was just the beginning.

And it’s not just me. I’ve had client after client confirm the power of the confidence that comes from being ready. It’s truly amazing how the Universe will respond when your Signature Talk and Irresistible Offers are ready-to-go!