Tag Archives: making money speaking
Encourage Your Clients to Pay in Full
Lisa Sasevich
When pricing your high-end mastermind, mentorship or coaching program, I highly recommend that you offer both a paid-in-full price and a payment-plan price — and then give your clients a strong incentive to pay in full. For example, students who pay in full for our SASSY Mastermind program save thousands of dollars and also receive […]
Build It and They Will Come
Lisa Sasevich
No, I’m not talking about building a Web site. I’m saying build your confidence by being ready to step on the stage tomorrow, and promoters, clients, and students will come. When I did my very first main stage gig, I wasn’t one of the scheduled speakers. I was doing a break-out session. But I was […]
How to State Your Price
Lisa Sasevich
I’m going to share my best secrets on how to state the price on your teleseminar preview call so your ideal clients are MORE than happy to pay it, how to overcome any resistance your ideal clients might be feeling to investing with you and what you MUST do if you want to triple your […]
My #1 Secret for Getting the Gig
Lisa Sasevich
In this blog, I’ve been showing you how to find speaking engagements where you can offer your products and services in the back-of-the-room at the end of your talk. Now I’m going to tell you how to actually get one. My #1 secret for getting the gig is to be prepared with the following five […]
How to Find the Outcome for Your Hooky Talk Title
Lisa Sasevich
Promoters are looking for speakers who will make a deep and lasting difference for their audiences. That’s why I say if you want to get the gig, you’ve got to emphasize in your talk title the unique outcome or transformation that you provide. But what if you’re not sure what the outcome is? Or, you […]
The Most Important 5 Minutes
Lisa Sasevich
In this short video you’ll learn what the most important part of your preview call is and what you need to say to get the biggest number of people raising their hands and saying “YES!” to investing in your product or program. Have you used this technique on your calls?