Tag Archives: Lisa Sasevich
Want Your Event To Be A “Must Attend”?
Lisa Sasevich
It’s Michele PW, Lisa’s personal copywriter and also your roving reporter at Lisa Sasevich’s “Speak-to-Sell LIVE” Event…East Coast style! One of the favorite moment’s at all of Lisa’s events is the Networking Gala that takes place the first night. There’s music, dancing, drinks…and something very special that only happens at a Lisa Sasevich event. Last […]
Secret Code So You Can Sell From The Stage
Lisa Sasevich
It’s Michele PW, Lisa’s personal copywriter and also your roving reporter at Lisa Sasevich’s “Speak-to-Sell LIVE” Event…East Coast style! Has this ever happened to you? An event host calls you to invite you to speak on their stage. You’re thrilled…until they say “oh, by the way, you can’t sell.” Well, believe it or not, all […]
An Amazingly Simple Formula to Success
Lisa Sasevich
It’s Michele PW, Lisa’s personal copywriter and also your roving reporter at Lisa Sasevich’s “Speak-to-Sell LIVE” Event…East Coast style! If growing a successful, profitable business is one of your goals, this tip may be exactly what you’ve been looking for. She talks about the secret to success — the same secret that one of her […]
Tension YES Pressure NO
Lisa Sasevich
In an earlier blog I showed you why pressure and pursuit don’t work on any level to enroll clients in your programs. But there’s still a little confusion out there about the difference between tension and pressure. And I still see people getting nervous and trying to tamp down the tension that is building in […]
Why You Don’t Want to Pursue Clients
Lisa Sasevich
Everything I teach, but particularly seeding, is designed to invite your ideal clients to step forward versus your chasing them down. Most of us would rather have our clients pursue us, but let’s look at what actually happens when they don’t and you feel as though you have to go after them. Imagine yourself in […]
A Hooky Talk Title Can Get You Booked
Lisa Sasevich
I learned this the hard way. A hooky talk title can mean the difference between getting booked or not and between a having a big audience or a disappointing turnout. When I was first starting, I worked for another company and taught a course for women about how to understand men that was called: “The […]