Why You Don’t Want to Pursue Clients

Everything I teach, but particularly seeding, is designed to invite your ideal clients to step forward versus your chasing them down.

Most of us would rather have our clients pursue us, but let’s look at what actually happens when they don’t and you feel as though you have to go after them.

Imagine yourself in pursuit of clients; you’re leaning forward, practically breathing down their necks.

When you do that, they become limited to two options:

1. Surrender, then refund. They either submit, saying, “Okay, okay, I’ll do your program.

I’ll take the coaching.” They say yes in the moment to get you off their back, then nine times out of ten they’re going to refund or do a charge back on their credit card.

2. Resist. If they don’t surrender, they take the opposite approach and resist. They close down, push away. They do their best to squirm away from you.

Yuck, right? Well, it gets even worse.

When you are pursuing your prospects, you’re leaning all over them, taking up all the space, they can’t lean forward. They can’t pursue you.

They can’t even take the step toward their own transformation.

Therefore, pursuit and pressure don’t work on any level—not for you nor for your clients.

And this is why I teach seeding, which creates tension, not pressure, and invites your clients to chase you.

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