Uplevel Your IP
Lisa Sasevich
Every time someone says yes to your irresistible offer to serve them through coaching, a teleseminar series, a webinar, or a live event, you have a huge opportunity not just to transform their lives, but also to uplevel your own intellectual property. I’m talking about the products, programs, books, CDs, etc. that you create and […]
What Are You Here to Teach?
Lisa Sasevich
I see this mistake all the time. People get out there and say, “I’m going to show you how to have good health, the best sex you’ve ever had and give you an awesome financial plan.” Of course, it’s great if they have all those skills, but what is their specialty? What are they uniquely […]
Why Teleseminars STILL Rock
Lisa Sasevich
Despite all the changes and advances in technology, teleseminars still get my vote for the simplest tool that can bring quantum results. Here are a few of the reasons why: 1. They’re easy. You’re using tools you already have: your phone and your computer. The conferencing technology is super simple to use. And your expertise […]
Launch Yourself
Lisa Sasevich
Several years ago when I launched my business, I had two toddlers at home, I was the breadwinner of my family, and I was making $130,000 a year. Today, my kids are a little older, I’m still the breadwinner, but my business is thriving in the multimillions, and I’m touching people all over the world. […]
Triple Your Sales
Lisa Sasevich
The preview call is just the beginning of the marketing campaign for your teleseminar or webinar. That’s right. You may get some sales right after your preview call, you may even get a lot of sales, but it’s still only a fraction of what you could get if you keep your marketing campaign going. I […]
Teleseminar or Webinar? Which One Is Right for You?
Lisa Sasevich
If you like the idea of touching people all over the world from the comfort of your home or office, and you want travel to be something that you do for pleasure, versus something that you have to do for work, teleseminars or webinars are great options. A teleseminar is an audio-only training that you […]