What Are You Here to Teach?

I see this mistake all the time.

People get out there and say, “I’m going to show you how to have good health, the best sex you’ve ever had and give you an awesome financial plan.”

Of course, it’s great if they have all those skills, but what is their specialty? What are they uniquely here to teach?

When you try to do everything, you risk becoming like that old adage: jack of all trades, master of nothing.

When it’s becoming a master of something that will get you noticed, get you clients…and get you booked.

You’ll have a niche, a sliver of the pie.

That unique and valuable niche will get you invited onto other people’s stages, because you’ll complement their offering, add value to it, rather than compete with it.

For instance, Brian Tracy is a sales master, but he’s brought me in to teach Irresistible Offers.

So what is your sliver of the pie? What are you here to teach?

If you can get clear about that and articulate it, the speaking gigs — and the clients who need you — will flock.