All posts by Lisa Sasevich
How to Lift as You Climb
Lisa Sasevich
One of the beauties of hosting a live or virtual event is the opportunity to raise money for causes you care about while making money and a difference with your great work. I started doing this myself several years ago, and what began as an experiment has become a cherished business practice. We now choose […]
When Is It Time to Retire Your Story?
Lisa Sasevich
An important element to the introduction of your Speak-to-Sell talk is a story that builds your credibility and shows your vulnerability, so that people can relate and connect to you. Your story can be the exciting thing that’s going on in your business right now, or it may be a lesson that you learned along […]
The Psychology of Selling
Lisa Sasevich
The psychology of selling is a crucial element of marketing – and if you ignore it, you could be dramatically limiting your reach and stepping over thousands of dollars in sales. On today’s show, I talk with Eben Pagan, who has launched 10 different brands and businesses that have done over $1 million in sales […]
Start from the Heart When Designing Your Business
Lisa Sasevich
Sometimes when people feel the need to shift what they’re doing, they’re tempted to look outside of themselves for inspiration and guidance. For example, a client who was seeking clarity about a new direction for her business was going to take a survey to networking groups and ask people what they need. I told her […]
Your System Already Exists
Lisa Sasevich
In your area of expertise, you have things that you are so good at, you don’t even know that you’re doing them. They just come naturally to you. That’s called unconscious competence. If you can figure out what those things are that you do so well, and then systemize your process so that other people […]
The Value of Your Voice
Lisa Sasevich
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! As I gather with family and friends to give thanks for all that we’ve been blessed with, I want to express my gratitude to all of my followers. You are each changing the world with your blessing, and I am so grateful that I can help you along your entrepreneurial path! On […]