Start from the Heart When Designing Your Business

Sometimes when people feel the need to shift what they’re doing, they’re tempted to look outside of themselves for inspiration and guidance.

For example, a client who was seeking clarity about a new direction for her business was going to take a survey to networking groups and ask people what they need.

I told her that I was not a raving fan of that approach because, if she just asked random people, she could end up anywhere.

I wanted her to design her business around her genius, what she’s good at, what she loves to do, and the things that she was made for.

So I sent her back to our Offer Communication work, asking her to look again at the actual results she’s getting for her clients, as well as the additional transformations that come out of her time with them. And then craft something, such as a free call, from there.

At her next networking events, she can test that topic by saying, “Hey, I’m having this free call just to share on such and such.”

She’ll see if eyebrows raise. She’ll see who’s drawn to her.

She’ll start to gather the information she was seeking, and if she decides to continue in that direction, it will be something she loves.