Are You Waiting to Be Discovered?

We’ve all heard the stories about people being “discovered” and turned into stars. The classic example is actress Lana Turner, who was “discovered” while drinking a soda in a cafe.WaitingtobeDiscovered

The stories stand out because they’re rare. They’re the exceptions, but so many of us buy into the myth.

We think that if we work hard, if we’re patient, if we wait, someone, someday will see our expertise and give us the TV show or the keynote or the bestseller or the business of our dreams.

I was no different. For decades, I waited for the knock on my door, for someone to offer me a platform that would allow me to get my gifts out into the world in a big way.

My turning point came when I realized that no one was coming to my door. If I wanted a big platform, I had to create it myself. I had to recognize my own expertise and position myself in my industry.

In essence, I had to “discover” myself.

Much of that discovery happened onstage. I got out there, spoke on other people’s stages, which our Speak-to-Sell formula empowers, and eventually spoke on my own stage as well.

Create your own platform, recognize your expertise and position yourself via @LisaSasevich

The more I spoke, the clearer I got about the gifts I was offering, and the more able I was to make a difference.

3 Steps to “Discovering” Yourself so you can Assume the Throne!

If you’d like to get clearer about your own gifts and use the stage to discover yourself and be discovered by those who need you, here is my three-step process:

1. Get Clear. Get clear about the transformation that you offer. What is the outcome that your clients get as a result of working with you? For me it was realizing that I was able to inspire people to say “yes” to investing in themselves, and to help my clients convert sales through Irresistible Offers on stages, teleseminars, videos, webinars and one-on-one.

2. Get Ready. Craft your Signature Talk like we teach you at Speak-to-Sell Virtual Bootcamp, so that you are able to step on anybody’s stage or be interviewed at any time. A Signature Talk delivers great content that is reverse engineered from the offer. So, by the time you get to the offer, investing in it is the obvious next step for the right client.

3. Get Going. Get yourself booked onto other people’s stages and to speak both live and virtually to other people’s followers and subscribers. They need the value you have. Plus, it’s the best place to start to do the visioning and creation work if you’d eventually like to have your own stage.

When you do have your own stage, the tables turn in a beautiful way. You, then, get to invite guests to come and speak to your audience. So your stage becomes a place for people who, like you, are ready to assume the throne and make their own dreams come true.

If all this sounds like the next right step for you and you’d like to give yourself the beautiful unfair advantage of a Signature Talk and Irresistible OfferTM, which will enable you to step on anybody’s stage, register today for Speak-to-Sell Virtual Bootcamp.