Are you in the wormhole?

It’s Michele PW, Lisa’s personal copywriter and also your roving reporter at Lisa Sasevich’s FIRST EVER “Impact and Influence — THE ULTIMATE Business-Building Bootcamp for the Heart-Centered Entrepreneur” Bootcamp.

Lisa Cherney, Sassy Training Director & Juicy Marketing Expert, took the stage to talk about something she discovered we all struggle with as entrepreneurs — the wormhole. What is the wormhole? Well, take a look below. (You may be surprised to find you ARE in the wormhole because being in the wormhole looks like something else — but Lisa can explain it better than me.

So what do you think? Do you want to share your experiences of being in the wormhole? Post your comments and observations.

17 thoughts on “Are you in the wormhole?

  1. Awww. That is AWESOME!!!! When I was taking the train to work, I imagined I was going through a wormhole – it lent an air of mystery to my dreary worklife. Love this analogy! I want more! Thanks 🙂

  2. Thanks, Lisa…you’re always on the cutting edge, going beyond marketing ideas & encouraging clients to delve into looking at what is REALLY going on. I always appreciate your insight.

    1. Lisa is awesome, isn’t she? I’m always learning something new from her myself. This new work is really powerful.

  3. That’s a great explanation! I see it in my clients and have experienced it myself. I have a problem, find a solution then encounter another obstacle. Each obstacle overcome takes my business to a new level, but it seems the stream is unending. Would be good to know if there really are only 5. I must be at that last one now:-)

    1. LOL — I’m not sure if there ever IS an ending either. If you want to keep growing your biz I think the wormholes keep popping up. But at least now that you know what’s going on it makes it easier.

  4. When I go on my long walks – I project myself into the future and visualize good things happening to me in my business, attracting certain clients, solving problems, and attracting prosperity. Funny thing, when I get home I’ll have several calls from interesting clients, or get asked to participate in projects. I definitely want to think on this “wormhole” effect..and discuss with others to stimulate our creativity and see what comes from it!

    1. Wow – that’s so cool you do this on a regular basis. It’s amazing how well this stuff works, isn’t it? Just got to keep trusting and believing.

  5. Lisa,

    I so enjoyed your recent Invisible Influence Virtual Bootcamp. Am refining my “homework” assignments. Couldn’t make the SD seminar, but am with you in spirit! Thanks for the Backstage Pass, have been enjoying the highlights.
    Love and Blessings,
    Adele Trebil
    Real Estate Success Strategist

  6. This was interesting, and somehow seems to make a lot of common sense. Yes, I would say I am still caught in the wormhole, but have gotten that glimmer of light from the destination I am trying to reach. I suspect, strongly, that my marketing information is on target, my listening ability when talking with a client is needing some re-thinking. I actually do understand when given the correct information, what the client needs, it’s that I am not listening closely enough to what the client WANTS. New direction this wormhole is going to send me. thanks, for such terrific insight.

    1. Thanks for sharing Jo — I’m so glad you’re seeing the light. Anyone who has been an entrepreneur for any length of time has experienced the wormhole so I can tell you from experience once you see that glimmer of light, it WILL get easier.

  7. I saw this live and the wormhole concept was fabulously presented by Lisa Churney. What a dynamic pair of Lisa’s! Learn from them NOW.

  8. So glad this clip touched you. After 12 years working with entrepreneurs struggling to find those perfect words it’s profound to share this phenomenon. Hope naming it helps you move through it faster!

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