5 Must-Haves for Your Sponsor Booth

Recently I was at the Glazer-Kennedy SuperConference to speak to their awesome people about making Irresistible Offers™. I was also a sponsor of the conference, and my team and I decided that it would be fun to take you behind the scenes and show you how we set up our sponsorship booth for maximum effect.

In this 3-minute video, I walk you through the highlights of our booth, and then just below are your takeaways: your 5 Sponsor Booth Must-Haves:

5 Must-Haves for Your Sponsor Booth

Recently I was at the Glazer-Kennedy SuperConference to speak to their awesome people about making Irresistible Offers™. I was also a sponsor of the conference. Here's a quick walk through and the highlights of our booth.

Posted by Lisa Sasevich on Tuesday, June 14, 2016

1. A visual draw. We actually have two. A life-size Lisa Sasevich poster, situated so that people coming down the hall will see it and say, “Hey, there’s that Lisa Sasevich person I heard about.” And our booth itself, which is light and bright, with its purple, turquoise and green. It’s definitely going to wake you up and draw you in!

2. Peeps. You’ve got to have help in your booth. Peopling ours are Armando, our Best Next Move Specialist, which means that he helps potential clients figure out what their best next move on our campus would be, and Naomi McKenna, who is our Joint Venture Partner Manager. She works with partners and potential partners.

3. A way to collect their contact information. Naomi and Armando are right on hand to answer any questions that come up when people fill out our “Stay Connected” form, which collects their contact information, subscribes them to our ezine and enters them into our raffle at the booth. There are also three other boxes they can check if they’re interested in: a call from one of our Best Next Move Experts; talking to us about a partnership opportunity; or if they have any speaking opportunities that might be a good fit.

4. A great incentive. You want to provide an incentive for people to give you their contact information.I love raffles, so people who fill out our Stay Connected form are entered into a raffle to win one of two Jamboxes, which are cool little Bluetooth music players that people love.

5. A lure. We’ve got a few ways to entice people to come over to our booth and stay awhile. We’ve got purple foil-wrapped chocolate kisses, discs that look like little dimes that we call “Get On Your Dime, Irresistible Offer Litmus Test,” which has some free goodies on the flipside. And since a lot of our people are authors, we have inspirational bookmarks that say, “Keep taking inspired action.”

Bonus: Location, location, location. And our biggest secret of all? We’re located right next to the dessert station. Couldn’t have planned it better myself! 😉

I look forward to seeing you around our campus or at an event soon.