3 Tips for Maximizing Your JV Opportunities at Conferences

At a recent 3,000-person event, our Joint Venture Affiliate Partner Manager, Naomi McKenna, and I were talking about how you can maximize your JV opportunities at large, live events.

That way you’re not just learning great content, but you’re getting precious facetime with key and potential partners as well as expanding your reach.

For you note-takers, just below the video are its key takeaways.

Looking for Joint Venture Partners?

3 Tips to Maximizing Your JV Opportunities at Conferences

Posted by Lisa Sasevich on Friday, April 8, 2016

1. Suss out in advance who’s going to be there versus figuring it out on the spot.
In general email conversation, casually ask potential partners if they’re going to a particular event. If they’re not, they may know people who are. It’s so much better to find out in advance who’s going to the event, versus trying to do it on the fly.

2. Preset meetings with people.
Ahead of time, try to set meetings for lunch, breaks, even dinner and happy hour.

We’re all so busy and spread across the country that time with a partner is precious. So even if you bump into someone on site, grabbing them for twenty minutes on a break can make all the difference.

3. Expand your reach.
When you’re meeting with a partner or potential partner, be open to, and even invite that person to bring someone else along to the meeting. That way, you’re not only expanding your reach, but, as I share in the video, maybe even getting some valuable feedback as well.

As always, I hope to see you use these tips at one of our live events this year.