Give Yourself a Raise from the Stage

E12-Sage-LavineI’m so excited to be interviewing today’s guest, Sage Lavine, a good friend of mine and agent of change who is SO in line with our heart-centered approach to business! We’ll be learning exactly what it takes to give yourself a raise with this key strategy – gathering people together live! And Sage is certainly and expert on the topic – she is the CEO of Conscious Women Entrepreneurs and host of the International Women on Purpose summits reaching 40,000 conscious entrepreneurs around the globe.

Sage teaches women entrepreneurs to fill their practice and create sustainable financial and conscious wealth through creating a business they love. She believes in purposeful entrepreneurship as a way to create world change toward social and ecological solutions and that every heart centered business owner who gives back through humanitarian efforts is a step in the right direction for the planet. I am so inspired by the work she is doing in the world, and I hope it inspires you too… Take a listen to this week’s episode!

Key Topics from this Episode:

  • How Sage gave herself a raise: She gathered a group of people LIVE (you can call it a workshop, an event, a live training, a retreat, etc) – and the key is that it doesn’t have to be big. Sage hosted her first workshop in her living room and grew that into a million dollar business!
  • Look at your own version of whatever fear or resistance you have to hosting an event, big or small – In that fear, there is oftentimes real excitement and a lot of untapped fuel if we redefine that “fear” as excitement as use that to propel yourself forward
  • A piece of wisdom a Navajo medicine man gave to Sage: “Never lose that sense of fear, because that sense of fear keeps you humble and connected to your participants. It keeps you human and it keeps you trustworthy.”
  • The people who join you for your event are often there to heal a fear of their own, and when you can connect from that soul level instead of trying to override that fear, it can break down an intimacy barrier in the room and take the conversation to a deeper level.
  • Hosting events online or live? Sage recommends a blend! Why? The online space can be loud and crowded – getting out in front of people will give you a great amount of feedback to really clarify your body of work and give you better results online. Check out the episode to hear why else it’s important to host events or workshops live!
  • When you have a live workshop, it is common to have up to a third of the people in the room interested in your offer – it often proves to be much higher conversion than online only. Sage explains how easy it can be to earn $10,000 in a single workshop!
  • The key: Just get started! Don’t be afraid to start small and grow 🙂
  • Be sure to grab Sage’s free gift below to generate a report that identifies what your strengths are so you can use your personal style to craft your event and marketing specifically to attract your ideal client!

Free Gift from this Episode: