Okay, I admit it. I love teleseminars.
And it’s not just because they’re incredibly lucrative — helping my business grow from $130,000 to multimillions in a few short years.
There are actually many reasons why teleseminars should be part of your business plan. Here are three:
1. People can listen from anywhere at anytime. They don’t have to be sitting in front of their computer like in a webinar. If they missed the live call, they just download the audio and listen while driving in their car and, a lot of times, that’s exactly what they do.
2. They’re easy. You’re using tools you already have. Your phone and your computer. The conferencing technology is super easy to use. Your expertise is already in you. What are you waiting for!
3. You can give them from anywhere. You don’t have to do your hair. You don’t even have to
get dressed up, because no one can see you.
It’s just you on the couch with your coffee, your cat and your expertise, reaching out to touch thousands of people around the world.
Get my secrets to getting a real YES, on-the-spot…without being pushy or salesy!