Want to know the answer to the biggest question Lisa gets asked?

One of the biggest questions I get asked is this:

“Lisa, how on earth did you go from $130K to a multi-million-dollar business in less than 3 years with NO employees and two toddlers running around?”

Well, the best way to get that question answered is to be at my FIRST-EVER “Impact and Influence –THE ULTIMATE Business-Building Bootcamp for the Heart-Centered Entrepreneur” event in San Diego.

But if that isn’t possible, then the next best thing is to get a COMPLIMENTARY backstage pass to my SOLD OUT event!

I’m going to give you an exclusive, insider’s peek at the behind the scenes action of my “Impact and Influence” ABSOLUTELY FREE. You’ll be given exclusive VIP video access and have the chance to view segments of BRAND NEW material like:

  • how you can build a successful, sustainable, scalable business around YOUR expertise so you can make BIG money while making a BIG difference with your gifts
  • what you need to do to get your brilliance out in the world in a huge way and be paid handsomely for it.
  • using upsells, downsells and unsells to grow your business (you’ll love learning this!)
  • how you can sell the transformation that you uniquely provide in an authentic way that feels good to you AND your potential clients
  • the EXACT steps you need to do to build your business so it fits into your life (not the other way around).

Here’s the link so you can reserve your exclusive backstage pass: Click Here

Can’t wait to give you a peek behind the curtain!