Wanna Be a Leader?

LeadershipPeople often ask me how I created a leadership position for myself and my business in such a short period of time.

The truth is I stopped trying. In the past, when I was actively trying to be a leader, I kept finding myself the second in command. For many years I supported the person who was leading the organization, the movement, and it was a pleasure. In fact, I thought that’s what I would do for my whole life. Then one day, I was booted out of a supportive position I thought I’d have forever, and I was led to take a look at my own gifts, my own million-dollar value.

Slowly but surely I started getting those gifts out into the world, serving others with them, and not thinking about leadership at all. Then one day, I turned around and suddenly people were following me.

So I’ve come to the conclusion that the best way to be a leader is to serve with all your heart. Get in touch with your unique blessing, your unique expertise, and then find ways to get your message out and help as many people as you can.

Do that and leadership will naturally follow.