The secret to stop working one-to-one and start working one-to-many

It’s Michele PW, Lisa’s personal copywriter and also your roving reporter at Lisa Sasevich’s “Ultimate Sales Bootcamp LIVE!”

One of my favorite exercises at Ultimate Sales Bootcamp is when Lisa passes out Post-It notes and teaches how to discover your Unique Branded System.

She walks the attendees through how to take the unique outcome/transformation they provide and break it into the specific steps so they can stop working one-on-one and start teaching it to groups.

But I’m getting ahead of myself — take a look at the video where Sassy Coach Maribel Jimenez loves this process so much:

What Are Your Thoughts? Share your comments below.

More later,
Michele PW

UpwardP.S. Want to get your hands on Lisa's business model for only $18? This is the same model Lisa used to go from zero to $30 million in revenue (and the same model she uses today!) Learn more and grab your copy here:

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