3 thoughts on “The Next American Idol?

  1. Andrea,

    Thanks for the clip of Lisa singing. My kids are 4 and 2, so now the song is stuck in my head
    with the other nursery rhymes. There is always a reason not to do something I am glad Lisa reminded
    me there is also a reason to “JUST DO IT”. I am looking forward to more clips of the event.

  2. This is a great tip. there’s no reason to limit yourself or prejudge your audience. You don’t know until you ask!

  3. @Kyra It’s definitely a sliver in my mind too! So funny, so memorable. I wonder what song I could use in one of my talks to have that affect… even though I’m sure my singing is worse than Lisa’s. Hmmm. 🙂

    @Lisa Excited at all your contribs here, Lisa… I’m curious where you’re at with speaking to sell – you seem like you may have lots of experience!

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