Strike the Right Balance of Speakers in Your Telesummit

The telesummit has been our go-to list and mojo building tool for years and has helped many of our clients go from no list to hundreds or thousands of devoted fans and followers in record time.

During a telesummit a host interviews a collection of experts on a specific topic over a period of time, while a virtual audience listens or watches for free.

While most telesummits end up being a huge win for the listeners, sometimes the host has the wrong balance of speaker types and the telesummit doesn’t deliver the leads or mojo that it should have.

When you host your telesummit, make sure to strike the right balance of these four types of speakers:

1. Draw Speakers.
If you’re following our Ultimate Telesummit Formula™, you’re looking for a total of twelve speakers: four a day for your three-day virtual event. You want to get as many people to opt-in to your telesummit as you can, because that grows your list. So, ideally, you want to have two very well-known speakers who will draw in the audience.

2. Content Speakers.
Your draw speakers don’t always provide the best content, so make sure that you have, ideally, three really good content speakers. Your listeners may not have heard of these subject matter experts, but they’re going to love their content. Plus, content speakers often turn out to be great promotional partners. Their smaller but well-targeted lists in your topic area sometimes do way better for you than your draw speakers, who may not even have a mailing list.

3. Reach Speakers.
Reach speakers are experts with a big email list or large social media following in the same ideal client group as you. Often, your reach speakers will be so excited about the opportunity to be on the same lineup as your draw speakers, that they’ll promote the heck out of your event to their substantial list or following. That’s why you want half of your speakers to fall into this category.

4. Positioning Speaker.
The positioning speaker is that one special guest who really represents the promise of your telesummit as a whole, and is another huge draw that can double your opt-ins.

If you want learn a lot more about how to structure your telesummit for ultimate success, I have the opportunity for you. My Ultimate Telesummit Formula training!