[Nail Your Offer Nugget] Specificity Sells!

Specificity Sells!

[Nail Your Offer Nugget] Specificity Sells!

Greetings from an 88’ yacht in the Bahamas! Feeling so blessed to be able to share this bucket list experience with close friends this week.

In prep for the week, we needed to send in very specific details of all of our food and activity preferences in advance.

It got me thinking about specificity. And sure enough, the last client call I had before shipping off, the need to be more specific with her offer and her bonuses arose.

So here are 3 places you can use specificity to increase sales of your group programs, your one-on-one mentorship and to fill your events…

Amazing what a difference that makes, right?

When you’re making your irresistible offer, small upgrades can equate to big profits!

Take these tips to the bank!

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