Nothing Converts Better than Speaking

You can do an ezine.

You can network.

You can do teleseminars.

Those are all great tools for building your business — and I do all three.

But with live speaking, someone who’s never even heard of you before that day can be inspired to invest in themselves through you.

I’ve seen people invest as much as $25,000 that way.

In fact, 2 Diamond-level members of my SASSY Sales Authenticity and Success Mastermind found me through someone else’s event.

I was speaking for free, and my future SASSIES registered for one of my programs, got into the program, and then converted into a $100,000 Diamond-level client.

That’s the power of live speaking.

It’s powerful because people can connect with you. They can feel who you are and experience your authenticity.

In 60-90 minutes, they can know that you are the one to help them get where they want to go. And they can be inspired to make the investment.

So, sure, by all means, use the Internet. Use your ezine. Use all the marketing tools you have.

Just don’t neglect live speaking.

Because it’s the tool that can get you where you want to go better than anything else.