Logistics Tips You Can Take to the Bank

create a master checklistPaying careful attention to the logistics of your event can be the key to a profitable presentation.

Small details, such as having extra order forms and pens, can make a huge difference in your results. I told you the story about the company that lost a $30K sale when my husband was inspired to invest because the lines were long and they didn’t have an extra pen! He decided to go to lunch and “think about it,” and that was just the cooling off period he needed to decide to hold off.

Don’t let that happen to you.

Here are 5 logistics tips that you can take to the bank:

1. Create a Master Checklist
My checklist has saved me time and money and heartache on numerous occasions.

So, make a master checklist for yourself and, each time you speak, add to it the things that you need. You can download mine at www.LisaSasevichFan.com (Click the Like button to join, and you’ll be able to download it from the Fan Bonus! tab.)

And, most of all, USE your checklist. It can keep you organized and sane.

2. Collect a Bag of Tricks
I hate to waste time looking for things, so I keep a plastic bin in a drawer filled with items I like to bring with me to speaking events. It’s all organized, in one place, so I can just quickly grab it while packing.

Some of the items in my bag of tricks are:
• my own PowerPoint clicker
• a digital camera for still photos
• extra pens
• a little wrench to tighten my music stand (if I’m bringing it)
• double-sided tape if I tear a hem or my blouse is gaping. (Ladies, you know about that!)
• a flip camera for taking videos
• chargers for my phone and camera
• extra batteries for the clicker
• breath mints or spray
• face powder and blotting paper

3. Bring More Order Forms (and Pens) than You Will Need
You want to have those extra forms available at the back table because people lose theirs or they’ve written notes on them that they want to keep. If you can just hand them a blank form and a pen and let them take the other one home, they’ll be grateful.

And, as I mentioned above, sales are lost when frustrated prospects can’t find a pen, get an order form or have to wait in a long line that’s not moving.

4. Collate Your Order Forms According to Chairs, Not People
Soon after you arrive, either you or a helper should collate your order forms based upon the number of rows and chairs in each row. For instance, if there are 5 rows of 7 chairs, someone needs to make 5 batches that each contain 7 order forms. That way, the person handing them out can just give a batch to the person at the end of each aisle.

That may sound overly simple, but consider that a well-meaning helper, standing at the head of each row, counting out order forms, can eat up 10 minutes of your talk, while you’re up there…waiting.

5. PowerPoint Tips
And finally, here are a few tips for working with your PowerPoint presentation:

a. If you have a Mac, buy the little adapter (for about $10) that enables you to hook up your Mac to a projector, and keep the adaptor in your bag of tricks or travel bag.

b. Bring one printout of your PowerPoint presentation. That way, if the equipment fails, you can use the printout like an outline and talk your way through the material.

c. Bring an electronic copy of your presentation on a thumb drive. Again, if something goes wrong, and you can’t get your laptop hooked up to the projector, you have the option of trying another computer.

As I’ve said before, the angels are in the details. Be as prepared as you can be, and you’ll be ready for just about everything!

What do you keep in your bag of tricks? Let us know below!

5 thoughts on “Logistics Tips You Can Take to the Bank

  1. Hi Lisa,

    I loved your list. I’ll be taking notes to add to my business files.

    I also like to bring clear nail varnish, an emery file to smooth out any nail tears, some tissues, and of course, some water.

  2. Thanks for the tips… I also keep my own set of markers
    and painters tape on hand. I love to facilitate with
    flip charts and these are must haves. Oh and I also keep
    an extra flip chart and easel in my car!

  3. Hi Lisa,
    One more to add to 5.a- (I found out the hard way…and no body warned me;-()

    If you are using powerpoint or any slide show that you put a slide up and then talk about rather than just going from one to the next… TURN OFF YOUR SCREENSAVER!
    I’m chatting away and 3 minutes later turn to move to the next slide, only to see all my images from my picture folder fading from one to the other! Pics of my kids, the before/after of our yard wall-remodel, the mock-ups of the artwork for one of my info-products… yikes! then there were times when the screen saver went black b/c it was set on energy saver. Learn from me guys – very embarrassing.

  4. As always, Lisa, great info. I would be lost without my master checklist.
    couple of points…if you are travelling internationally, make sure that
    your computer isn’t automatically programmed to do a virus scan, as I heard of one speaker
    who was presenting with power point in Australia and his virus scan came on…because what was 1 a.m
    in the US was daytime during the presentation in Australia.

    I was once flying from Orange Co. to Phoenix for a quick day speech. I traveled with a change of clothes, but no change of shoes.
    Big mistake! As I was going to the taxi queue, someone’s luggage carrier stripped the heel of one of my shoes. I had to take a taxi to a shoe shop, buy black pumps and make the taxi wait for me.
    Now, I travel in different shoes, even if I am gone for a few hours.

    Can I say that I always take personal wipes? eeww..TMI?

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