ACTION Sales Secrets: Take them from Cold to Sold in One Phone Call!

Action SalesToday and in the next issue of my ezine, I’m going to share with you two gems that I only teach to my Sassy Mastermind members and at my Big Mission, Big Sales, Big Life event, held next month in San Diego. If you’re wanting to learn the whole soup-to-nuts strategy on closing sales, that’s the place to learn it!

My ACTION Sales Secrets are the key to successful one-on-one sales. In fact, in one phone call you can turn someone who’s never even heard your name into a multi-thousand-dollar investment!

The gem I’m sharing with you today is the “A” in “ACTION”: Ask More Questions

Ask More Questions than Give Answers
When you’re working with an individual prospect, you want to make sure that you ask questions rather than just try to give answers. You’d be surprised how many entrepreneurs who find themselves in a sales scenario don’t do that. Think back to the last time you were a potential buyer and you didn’t invest. Did that person ask you questions? Or, did he or she try to sell you on the benefits of their product or service? Chances are it was the latter.

The primary reason you want to ask questions is because you want to expose “the gap.” You want to learn about where the prospect is versus where he or she wants to be. That way, you can see the gap, and your prospect can see the gap for him- or herself.

Remember, the gap is the difference between the life that the prospect is now living and the better life that he or she could be living.

It’s only when we feel the gap, when we really face that we’re not where we truly want to be, that we’re willing to move forward with an investment to transform it.

So, here is a quick tip to help you receive the value from your questions, as well as the one question from your prospect that you should never answer:

1. Listen for anything that suggests an opportunity for you to help. You have to be a good listener here, really pay attention. If you do, you’ll find that the prospect will tell you exactly how you can help.

2. Don’t give price or program details. If you announce the price before the prospect really sees the value of your service to his or her life, it’s likely to sound expensive. But if you wait until the prospect understands the transformation that he or she can receive, then that exact same price is likely to seem like a bargain!

If your prospect asks you early on how much your service costs, just tell him or her, “The purpose of this call is to find out whether I can help you. If we discover that I can’t, there’s no charge at all.”

That works very well to disarm a cautious prospect, showing them right up front that you are not looking for a sale, you are looking for a fit.

To learn the rest of my ACTION Sales Secrets, come join me in San Diego next month at Big Mission, Big Sales, Big Life, where I’ll be showing you how to discover your blessing and then how to build a business that you love around it.

What tips have you found helpful when working with an individual prospect? Let us know below.

4 thoughts on “ACTION Sales Secrets: Take them from Cold to Sold in One Phone Call!

  1. I love the wording you use to deflect the early question of “how much does it cost”
    “The purpose of this call is to find out whether I can help you. If we discover that I can’t, there’s no charge at all.”
    It is truthful and it is not pushy, but you still get to help discover their “gap”.
    Great post – thanks

  2. Hi Lisa,
    Thanks for the great article. I agree with you. I always ask a lot of questions when I’m speaking to a prospective clients. Not only does it bring out the pain but it also helps me get to know where they’re at and to see if we’re a good fit.

  3. Hi Lisa,

    Thanks for the tip. There are many questions to uncover pain,
    the smooth deflection of pointed questions…..very well done.



  4. Great points. When you sell hard you come up across big walls. Always better to ask good questions. Identify a problem you can solve or identify that this is not the right prospect for you, and refer them to someone who can provide value. When we seek to serve, and we genuinely share ways we can help people ar naturally attracted and they will “opt in” without you needing to push. Everyone wins!

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