How to Uncover Your Expertise

When you’re first getting started, it can be challenging to figure out what the unique transformation or outcome is that you provide.

UncoverYourExpertiseYou may have various interests or talents, or perhaps you’re clear on what you do, but not on what makes you distinct among the others in your field.

To begin to uncover your unique expertise, start by noticing.


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Pay attention to what you’ve been naturally doing to help people in your personal and/or professional life. It’s usually something that’s very easy for you but that other people find difficult.

For example, I’m very comfortable making offers and moving people into saying “Yes” to themselves. I call it taking inspired action. It’s easy for me because it’s my blessing.

I wanted to teach others how to do this too, so I started paying close attention, and fleshed out exactly what I do to move people to take on-the-spot action.

During this process I uncovered another blessing: my natural ability to break down seemingly complex processes into simple systems that I can then teach to others.

Those twin blessings are at the heart of my company, which has helped thousands of people and earned $25 million in a few short years.

So ask yourself: “What am I constantly helping people with? What is super easy and natural for me but others marvel at and wonder how I do it?”

And then start to notice what you do with friends, family, and clients.