Go Deep Dish

As heart-centered entrepreneurs, our natural tendency is to give and give. And that’s great. That’s what we’re here for.

deep-dishBut sometimes during presentations we can saturate our audience with so much information that, by the time we start to tell them about our offer, they’re full. They can’t take in anything else.

It’s like giving them Thanksgiving dinner, and then asking them if they want to buy dinner. They can’t. They just want to go home and go to bed.

So how do you strike that perfect balance so that you’re not short changing people, who gave their valuable time to learn from you, but you’re also not giving away the store?

The answer is to go deep dish.

Choose an aspect of your offer that’s hot. People keep coming back for this information because they get so much value from it. And, you also love to teach it.

During your presentation go deep with that information, give them what they need to apply it and get great value from it right away.

This will leave them hungry for more of what you have to offer.

Then just sample through the rest of your system, giving them little tastes of what they’ll get if they invest.

If you go deep dish before making your Irresistible Offer, everybody leaves feeling great.

Those who didn’t invest have a great new tool or strategy. Those who did invest are eager to see what else they will learn.

And you’ll also feel great, knowing that you served everyone in the room, including yourself and your purpose.

If you’d like to learn more about creating hunger for your work with a Signature Talk that you love and Irresistible Offers that sell, check out our LIVE Speak-to-Sell Bootcamp.