Free the Wizard That Is You

Since I’m a mom, running a multimillion-dollar business, people often ask me how I do it all.

The answer is, I don’t.

free-the-wizardEarly on, I started outsourcing, which my team calls “Free the Wizard.” We all know that we will keep growing and serving more people as long as I don’t get bogged down in things that are better done by someone else.

If you want to free the wizard that is you by outsourcing, I recommend that you do it early for the growth that you seek. It’s really all about delegating.

Here are some guidelines to get you started:

1. If someone else can do the task faster, cheaper or better, let it go. 
If you resist that idea, just imagine what you could be doing to grow your business with the time you’re spending on things others could do. Let it go!

2. Delegate things that you can live with being “good enough.” 
If a task has to be absolutely perfect, you may not be able to give it away. However, consider that someone else might be able to get it to “good enough,” and then you can either move it forward as is or tweak it to meet your standards.

3. Recognize your Stuck Point. 
Ever notice how you can pack for a two-week trip in an hour, and then it takes you the rest of the night to pack those last-minute items? Entrepreneurial projects are the same way. You can usually bust out 90% of the work in a quick sitting, and then you’ll agonize over the last 10% for weeks. I believe this is why so many wonderful ideas never quite get to market.

So if you can recognize your Stuck Point and delegate at that time, just imagine how freed up you’ll be and how many incomplete projects will actually come to life!