Episode 36 – Perfect Positioning Of Your Offer

A general offer is not an #offer at all. You need to get very specific about the problem you are solving and who it is who has that problem. The more specific you can be about the urgent need you are offering to address, the more likely it is that people who have that specific need to respond positively to the offer you are making. If it sounds difficult to figure out how to #position your product according to your ideal client’s urgent needs, you really need to help that Vrinda Normand gives in this episode.


Positioning your offer correctly is vital to your success.

It’s easy for YOU to know what you offer, but you’ve got to be able to communicate it to your ideal clients in a way that THEY understand it and are drawn to buy it. On this episode of the podcast, you’re going to hear from Vrinda Normand, a great friend of Lisa’s who is an expert at teaching business owners and online entrepreneurs how to position their offer in a way that is both appealing and effective for sales. You will learn a lot from Vrinda’s 5 step formula so be sure you listen to this episode of the podcast.


[bctt tweet=”You have to be sure that you address the issue of #credibility when making any offer.”]


STEP ONE: Identify your ideal customer.

Before you will be effective at positioning your offer you have to know who you were offering it to. It’s not enough to say that you want to sell it to anyone, you need to know who is most likely to purchase your offer because your offer addresses their specific needs. This is called market research and it is a step you cannot afford to skip if you want your positioning to be effective. Vrinda Normand will walk you through the process of discovering your ideal client on this episode of the podcast, so be sure you take the time to listen.

What is your ideal client’s urgent need? – STEP TWO

A general offer is not an offer at all. You need to get very specific about the problem you are solving and who it is who has that problem. The more specific you can be about the urgent need you are offering to address, the more likely it is that people who have that specific need to respond positively to the offer you are making. If it sounds difficult to figure out how to position your product according to your ideal client’s urgent needs, you really need to help that Vrinda Normand gives in this episode.

STEP THREE: What is your golden solution?

Once you have identified the needs that your ideal clients have you need to be able to offer a solution to them that is unique in some way. Vrinda Normand calls this your “golden solution” and it is something you need to give a good deal of time to figuring out. On this episode of the podcast, Vrinda gives suggestions about the kind of things you can include in your offer to make it unique and Powerful for those who decide to purchase it. This section alone is worth the time it will take you to listen, so don’t miss out on discovering your own golden solution.

You have to be sure that you address the issue of credibility.

If you determine that the solution you are going to offer your ideal client is something you have never offered before, that is ok. The most important thing is that you are able to establish your own credibility as an expert who knows how to solve the problem. That may come in the form of your own successes in the area you were addressing or testimonials of how you have help others. Neither of those needs to be related to a product you have sold in the past but do need to be connected to success as you have had in that area. On this episode of the podcast, you will hear Vrinda Normand discuss how she has built products on past experiences and has positioned herself and her products in a way that produces sales.

Outline of this great episode

  • [0:01] Lisa’s introduction to this episode of the show.
  • [2:00] Who is Vrinda Normand?
  • [3:45] The story of how Vrinda found her path.
  • [10:49] From 6 figures to 7 figures.
  • [14:55] Developing irresistible positioning for your brand and product.
  • [26:15] Why you need to take action now.

Resources & Links mentioned in this episode

Grab the transcript here.