Don’t Rush Your Offer

Has this happened to you?

You get up on stage and, at first, you’re a little nervous, but then you warm up and get into the zone.

When you’re in the zone on stage, it’s like a warm bath. You want to stay there. You want to keep giving to the audience because that’s your gift.

But then you go on so long that there’s not enough time to make your offer, so you rush it, and you lose the opportunity to work with dozens of clients more deeply.

To help prevent that from happening, create a solid structure in advance where you make sure to allow enough time to lay out your offer and make it clear.

I recommend allowing about 15 minutes out of a 60-75 minute talk for explaining the outcome the client will receive from working with you and making sure they understand how they’ll receive that outcome. We call that the service delivery. Will it be seminars? Online? Will they work with you privately?

You want to get the ratio of that correct too. Often speakers spend too much time on the service delivery and not enough time on the transformation.

Focus most of your time, about 90%, on the transformation and only about 10% on how they’ll receive it.

Finally, when presenting your offer, remember that it transforms lives, so keep the same energetic, enthusiastic tone that you had while presenting the rest of your talk.

Doing all of that may not completely prevent you wanting to stay in the warm bath of sharing your gift, but it will definitely help you stand up, shake off and end on time so your ideal clients have the chance to say YES!