Don’t Call It an “Order Form”

order formWhen a public speaker uses the phrase “order form,” the minds of some people in the audience will shut down. They’ll figure their learning is over, and they won’t really be listening anymore.

That’s why I recommend that you refer to your order form as a “summary sheet” instead.

But don’t just call it that, actually create a summary sheet that will become a handout, which will enhance the value of what the audience is getting.

To create your summary sheet, put an outline of the five or seven steps of your system at the top. Below that list, put your invitation or offer to work with you further.

Print the summary sheet as a three-part NCR (no carbon required) at 8.5” by 14”.

That way, you’ll have room for your summary and offer on one page. Plus, its extra length will make it stand out from the other forms your audience may be receiving at the event.

For more million-dollar tips as well as my exact formula for getting your Signature Talk and Irresistible Offers stage-ready, come join us in May for Speak-to-Sell Bootcamp.
