Tag Archives: Nail Your Offer Nugget
Are you telling the right story?
Customer Support
[Nail Your Offer Nugget] Are you telling the right story? Hard to believe, but yes, the above video was filmed on the beach in San Diego last weekend. In the midst of some rainy days, we’re being blessed with some beautiful sunny days too. And speaking of being blessed, I feel so blessed to be […]
Come Learn from my Oops!
Customer Support
[Nail Your Offer Nugget] Come Learn from my Oops! As I shared recently, I’ve been stretching myself on stage. Not with speaking, but with choreographed dancing! I rocked it the first time. The second time…not so much. Here’s what happened, what I learned and how you can use my lessons next time YOU get on […]
20+ years of content? I gotchu!
Customer Support
[Nail Your Offer Nugget] 20+ years of content? I gotchu! Call me a broken record, but I’m convinced that the #1 thing you can do to make a difference in the world and really help the people you were put here to serve is to have clarity on your offer. That includes being able […]
What I learned at the EMMYS
Customer Support
[Nail Your Offer Nugget] What I learned at the EMMYS 🏆 It was awesome! As my friend Vivian said….”like Star Soup!” All the greats from TV were there celebrating and being celebrated. And while I was there, I felt it. The magic that happens when we say yes and then push through all the […]
A little wealth creation tip
Lisa Sasevich
Nail Your Offer Nugget: Yes, it’s true. I’m working less these days. Nailing my offer paid off, which is why it’s the #1 thing I suggest you focus on in your business. I know that’s no surprise coming from me, right? At the same time, if you’re going to work hard on getting out there […]
What’s working on social now
Lisa Sasevich
Nail Your Offer Nugget: I’m just back from a super inspiring weekend with 15 of my badass business gal pals pulling together to celebrate our beloved Lisa Nichol’s bachelorette weekend in honor of her upcoming wedding. So happy for them both to have found each other in their second half. Yes…for all of you […]