Tag Archives: making 6 figures
A Million-Dollar Order Form Tip
Lisa Sasevich
In a recent blog, I told you that when you’re speaking to sell to be sure to get an offer form into every person’s hand. Today, I’m going to give you a logistical tip to make that happen. Now, when I said get an order form into every person’s hand, I didn’t mean your team […]
Get Your Offer Form into Every Hand
Lisa Sasevich
A big mistake I see speakers make is when they don’t put an offer form into every person’s hand. Instead, the audience has to rush to the back of the room to get their form and sign up. I see two problems with that. 1. It can be confusing. When you’re explaining your offer, you […]
Are you holding yourself back because you’re not quite sure what your million dollar value is? If you’re struggling with this, you’re not alone. Many entrepreneurs and small business owners, just like you, are striving to get out in the world and do what they’re passionate about. This brings us to today’s Sassy Buddha Bar […]
How to Give, Give, Give, and Still Have Them Sign Up
Lisa Sasevich
Many speakers were taught not to give away the store. They were told to tell stories and give examples but don’t share any strategies. In other words, give the why and the what but not the how. I tried that and it just felt bad. I believe in contribution. Our gift is a river not […]
Don’t Rush Your Offer
Lisa Sasevich
Has this happened to you? You get up on stage and, at first, you’re a little nervous, but then you warm up and get into the zone. When you’re in the zone on stage, it’s like a warm bath. You want to stay there. You want to keep giving to the audience because that’s your […]
Multiple Offers? Go Vertical!
Lisa Sasevich
This tip is straight from my Speak-to-Sell Boot Camp. When you’re making an offer, you can make just one, say $997 for your Feng Shui package. Or, you can offer more than one package. But if you’re going to make multiple offers, keep these important tips in mind: 1. Be crystal clear. Multiple offers can […]