Say Your Price With Pride
Lisa Sasevich
People often ask me, “Lisa, how do I get the price out of my mouth? It’s sometimes hard for me to believe that I’m worth that much money.” Whether you’re speaking from the stage or one-on-one, here are two simple mindset shifts that can make all the difference. 1. It’s an investment. Don’t refer to […]
Why You Need to Make an Offer
Lisa Sasevich
Has this happened to you? You’re about to make an offer during a presentation, when hesitation or doubt crops up? You feel discomfort or an internal voice says, Don’t make an offer. They’ll find you if they’re interested. Just let them think about it. The next time that happens, I suggest that you tap into […]
Go Deep Dish
Lisa Sasevich
As heart-centered entrepreneurs, our natural tendency is to give and give. And that’s great. That’s what we’re here for. But sometimes during presentations we can saturate our audience with so much information that, by the time we start to tell them about our offer, they’re full. They can’t take in anything else. It’s like giving […]
Turn Your Next Gig Into Many More
Lisa Sasevich
Many people don’t realize it, but the best source for speaking gigs is right under their nose. It’s their next, upcoming speaking event. In fact, three different parties at that engagement have the potential to refer you from that gig into many more—or even get you booked on the spot. Here are those three parties […]
The Close Doesn’t Happen at the End
Lisa Sasevich
Speakers, including some big names, have asked me to watch the last 15 minutes of their talk to see what they’re doing wrong with their “close.” But I don’t even have to look at their tape to give them the most crucial advice. If they think the close only happens in the last 15 minutes, […]
Explosive vs. Magnetic. Which Feels Right to You?
Lisa Sasevich
When I first started to speak on large stages, I was often the only woman. (This has changed somewhat, but there still aren’t enough of us ladies on stage.) As I’d watch some of my fellow speakers jump up on chairs in the middle of their presentation, throw things at the audience and pound walls, […]