3 Ways to Meet Your Clients Where They Are
Lisa Sasevich
It’s a good idea to meet your clients where they are in order to support them in moving forward. They could be in different places geographically, financially, and in their mindset. So when you’re looking for ways to meet them you want to consider all three: Meet them geographically. Technology is a great way to bridge […]
Start Finding Your Community
Lisa Sasevich
Recently I was taking a gorgeous morning hike with my buddy Stacey Canfield, who’s taken awesome pictures of me for the past 5 years. I’ve actually known Stacey for more than 25 years, and over the past five we’ve jumped the line from being girlfriends that went out and partied and talked about boys to […]
People ask me a lot of questions, so I thought it would be useful to gather a few of the most important ones together and answer them here in one place. These questions are important because their answers can save you from making costly missteps as well as dramatically boost your sales and impact in […]
How to Set Yourself Up for High-Ticket Sales
Lisa Sasevich
If you want to break into the six or seven figures and work with highly motivated clients as you expand your reach, you really must leverage your expertise with a group program at a high-ticket rate. (By “high-ticket” I mean a sale that is more than $2,000.) Sounds great, right? So, how do you […]
Consider the Frequency of the Platform
Lisa Sasevich
There are tons of strategies about how best to utilize Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and all of the other social media tools we have at our disposal. And while we do need to master their technical aspects, it’s also important to pay attention to something else that, in the video below, I call “frequency.” Are you […]
How to Find Your Unique Branded System
Lisa Sasevich
In the beginning, people usually help clients intuitively on a one-to-one basis, but over time they may notice that they tend to ask the same questions and do things in a similar order with most clients. They have a natural method for helping clients get healthy or do their taxes or develop new products. […]