Category Archives: Unique Branded System
Financial success as an entrepreneur doesn’t have to hinge on the amount of time directly committed to each client. In fact, as professional organizer Diane Halfman discovered, it’s the passive income one can generate by identifying and replicating a Unique Branded System – we call it UBS for short around here – that allows more […]
How to Find Your Unique Branded System
Lisa Sasevich
In the beginning, people usually help clients intuitively on a one-to-one basis, but over time they may notice that they tend to ask the same questions and do things in a similar order with most clients. They have a natural method for helping clients get healthy or do their taxes or develop new products. […]
How to Uncover Your Expertise
Lisa Sasevich
When you’re first getting started, it can be challenging to figure out what the unique transformation or outcome is that you provide. You may have various interests or talents, or perhaps you’re clear on what you do, but not on what makes you distinct among the others in your field. To begin to uncover your […]