Ask Lisa: What is the irresistible invitation?

Not sure about an Irresistible Invitation but happy to talk about an Irresistible Offer! An Irresistible Offer is a special limited offer that you make to a prospective client AFTER you have established that there is a gap between where they are and where they want to be in regards to the specific transformation that you or your company provides.

Once that is established, then it becomes time for the prospective client to commit, and unless you give them a reason to commit today, human nature generally drives people to resist making a decision. So the Irresistible Offer is a tool to support your prospective client in making a decision on-the-spot that they may have otherwise delayed. It needs to be designed so that it becomes “worth it” for your client to overcome their own resistance and decide now because they don’t want to lose the added bonuses or discounts that will disappear with the offer.

One of the keys to making a potent Irresistible Offer is to find clarity in yourself that your offer is “totally worth it at full price.” This way, you can make your offer without any pressure and your prospective client can move forward on their own from the buildup of tension they feel inside about missing out on the part that to them is truly irresistible!