A bold thought from John Assaraf

Andrea here again, bringing you live goodies from Lisa Sasevich’s SOLD OUT Invisible Close Speak-To-Sell Event.

Pretty cool stuff already this morning – John Assaraf, Founder and CEO OneCoach, just gave a powerful 20 minute talk, and in it were quite a few provocative thoughts.

One of them could almost be insulting, if I didn’t know where John’s heart was in all of this.  A BOLD statement with heart, I love it.

I’ll give you a hint – it has to do with money. Specifically WHY you’re not doing what you KNOW you need to do to make more money.

Check it out here and leave your comments below.

Cheers for now,


25 thoughts on “A bold thought from John Assaraf

  1. Too true! I know I can relate to John’s comments. though I think his comments left out a few other important components– fear of rejection and lack of confidence. It’s why really successful sales folks are a small minority!!

  2. I am very impressed that you have John Assaraf in your line up of speakers…he is a remarkable guy–clear, challenging in a good way, and his books are central to my learning right now! Sounds like a terrific weekend for your participants!

  3. I agree completely. I think that same little mechanism works in absolutely everything – weight loss, success, money making – you name it. It takes a lot to break through that comfort zone. After studying for at least THREE years about HOW to do it – I just now “got it.” Would have loved to seen that speech. Excellent. Thanks for the clip.

  4. Thanks for videos, I look forward to the next one. I am not intending to do any rational-lieing;-) I have my signature talk together and will be having my first workshop July 10th. Thanks Lisa
    Rich Blessings.

    1. Hi Patty, thanks for letting us know you want more more more of this content! So listen, to be frank, we are doing the best we can sending you as much as we can, but you can imagine that our focus must be on delivering promises to the people who invested in attending the event, and are here live in person.

      Also, you might not realize it but we are doing a lot here on site and the videographers (Jimbo Marshall and Dan, fab team at http://www.yourvideosolution.com) are multitasking with actually videoing in the first place, so we can even have any clips to send you, and we only have so much bandwidth to send you long vids.

      Anyway, just so you know we care and are doing all we can – I know the content is so good so I appreciate that you wish there was more.

      Okay here’s good news: We’ve just picked a 5 minute clip directly from Lisa’s special evening session – it’s a serious gem on seeding your talk. hope you like it, Patty!

      — Andrea (Your Roving Reporter)

  5. It’s amazing how a one minute video can have such an impact on me.
    I have listened to this 4 times! As John was talking I was writing down every word he said.
    That’s me, I do “rational lies” my way out of the success I am capable of achieving.

    Thank you Andrea and Lisa for allowing me to get a taste
    of all the rich content everyone is feasting on. I am so jealous:)
    Next year (hope there is another one) I will be there!

    Anxiously waiting for the next video will have pen and paper ready…

    To living sassy,

    Raye Cage

    1. Wow, Raye, that is awesome… I’m so glad I went with my instinct and pulled this piece since there were a LOT we could have chosen from John’s talk. We are processing a juicy 5 minute chunk of video content right NOW!

      – Andrea (Your Roving Reporter)

  6. Rational…lies. Ooh, will make it harder to do that from now on! Good one, John! Now the challenge is to stay self-aware enough to know when I am doing it. Gosh, who needs to go bungee jumping?!

    Andrea, good job with the video clips.

  7. A blunt prognostication, but not without a toehold in reality. Comfort zones are just that,
    quite comfortable. Our internal image contains a holistic picture of who we are.
    I know I have one. Creating a new picture means change and BELIEVING the change.
    In the case of money, it also seems we need to feel we are worthy or deserving
    of this ‘betterment’.
    So was this a challenge from John? A verbal shock treatment? Can people be
    motivated by coming face-to-face with this knowledge or is it just more data?
    An interesting approach to getting the audience’s attention, that’s for sure!

    1. Based on the feedback in the room, Kathy, I think it’s a wake up that John is issuing so that some of the rest of his message has a better chance to sink in. I would say it’s more than data, just based on the impact of at powerful thought.

      – Andrea (Your Roving Reporter)

  8. Rational-lies.

    Love it!

    And thus our excuse for not taking action, yes?

    To take John’s point one step further then, we ‘rationalize’ away fear in order TO remain comfy.

    Aaah … the comfort of conforming with self!

    Keep the goodies coming Andrea and Lisa. Fab.

    1. I knew the copywriting you would love that, Karri! So fun to connect with you here. 🙂

      Andrea (Your Roving Reporter)

  9. Really? I can be successful? What is the core pattern/belief
    that makes me doubt this? This is what these videos have
    triggered thus far. I want more.

    I have many gifts, and have demonstrated success before…
    but only when I haven’t tried, when I’ve created spontaneously,
    lovingly, unaware of what I was capable of. Now is different,
    because I know what my gifts are. I know what I am capable of.
    Now it is time to own my gifts and talents, not deny them, not
    take them for granted, not allow them to sit
    and go stale. Now I cannot deny them any longer, because
    there is important work to be done in the world. But to use them
    would make every trip out of my home an exercise in PR.
    “My” mission is important enough, I do believe, that I am
    compelled to do it. But apparently so is my ego!

    Hm. Thanks for the opportunity for self-therapy. Videos are
    working. Please keep ’em coming. And accept my sincere thanks for your work.

    1. Wow Maria that sounds like you’re doing some deep transformation just from the clips. That makes my day!

      We’ll keep it coming.

      Andrea (Your Roving Reporter)

  10. Thanks for sharing this. I will be listening and watching for that voice.
    It feels and sounds familiar to me!
    Now that I know it is a rational-lie I choose NOT to believe it anymore.
    I am enjoying these videos, thanks for including us…
    Melissa Sarazin

  11. I’ve heard John say this before, and it’s true. There’s an exercise I do with my own clients that we’re doing at my live event this fall. I call it Raising the Threshold of Belief. In short, you’ve got to raise the “temperature of your thermostat” in order to achieve more in your life.
    Thanks for sharing!

  12. This is so true. I tend to define this in energetics. The only limitations we have are the ones we place on ourselves – whether we have cognizance of doing it or not. I like this biology based explanation as another way of expressing something, that for me, is understood on an energetic level.

  13. Wow…this is so true! I really need to get out of my comfort zone when things are going “okay”!

  14. All of you are so right on. Yes we do rationalize not being successful. I know I did for years. When I was a freelance copywriter making $50K a year, I knew there were other copywriters who were making $100k or more, and I used to rationalize it myself (“oh, I don’t live near New York or LA, that’s why I’m not making that kind of money”). When I finally started working on my inner game, everything in my outer world changed.

    Thanks for all of your comments. We’re keeping those videos coming —

    Michele PW (Lisa’s copywriter)

  15. Thanks guys! I adored this little clipette and am so glad we could share it.

    John is so cool too, he’s over there right now taking serious notes from the VIP section of the event. I know a lot of times it’s easy to ‘rational-lies’ with statements like ‘I already know that’ or ‘I’ve heard this before’ or ‘I already speak for a living and I do OK’ you know what I mean?

    I love to observe (first hand) when people who are very successful model things so fundamental for all of us.

    Thanks John!

  16. Pingback: Tweets that mention Step into the Spotlight with a Talk that you Love, Offers that Sell and the Confidence that comes with being Ready! | Lisa Sasevich -- Topsy.com
  17. John Assaraf is one of my favorite speakers. He tells it like it is and challenges us to reach a higher vibration.

  18. John has great information and is right on point. Mindset, and what we believe we can
    achieve are most important. If we want to step up our game, business, wealth,
    it must begin in our mind. BELIEF and VISION can keep us going when comfort zone
    holds us back. Love this clip!
    Linda P. Jones

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