You’re So Good You Don’t Even Know It!

In your area of expertise, there are things that you are so good at, you don’t even know you’re doing anything special. They just come naturally to you.

That’s what they call unconscious competence, and it’s your ticket to gold.

If you can discover what those things are, and then systematize your process, you will have a method that you can then teach to others.

You will have a UBS, a Unique Branded System.

Your UBS is the key to leveraging your expertise and serving people on a larger scale around the world.

The first step in finding your own UBS is to discover your process.

To do that, answer the following:

  1. What are the exact steps you use to get results for your clients? Really look at your process and write down what you do.
  2. Separate your personality and credentials from your process. You just want the steps.
  3. Notice the parts that you tend to repeat with every client. Those will comprise your system. They are the magic that you can then teach to others.

You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:
If you love what you do, but hate the “sales part,” sales conversion expert Lisa Sasevich will show you simple, quick and easy ways to boost sales without spending a dime…and without being salesy. Get your FREE e-course and Sales Nuggets now at